
Serial Port Complete: Programming and Circuits for Rs-232 and Rs-485 Links and Networks

Serial Port Complete: Programming and Circuits for Rs-232 and Rs-485 Links and Networks By Jan Axelson, Lakeview Research
Publisher: Lakeview Research 2000 | 3 Pages | ISBN: 0965081974 | PDF | 39 MB

The part of the book I liked most comes in the section that describes how to connect serial devices. Axelson covers not only RS-232 communications but also RS-485, a serial standard that allows for party-line or multi-drop connections. You would spend a lot of time looking for all the information that the book collects in one place. If you plan to use a serial port in any sort of application, buy this book. It should go on your bookshelf alongside Axelson's earlier book, Parallel Port Complete.


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